Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Another challenge

For the first-time, I make such a big shoulder bag. I had been thinking about the design and how to attach all the parts together for a couple of weeks before I started this BIG challenge. The final product turned out a bit different from my thought - the zip part. It looked nicer and more neat after I enclosed the edge of both ends and sides. I especially added extra hard interface for the base so that the bag can carry heavier items such as water bottle and books. The bag looked like patched work but it is not. It is the original fabric that looks like this. This is also the first bag I done with so many pockets - two opened pockets and one zipped pocket in the main compartment and two pockets in front, total five pockets. Can you guess the length of the zip I used? It is an 20' inches zip in black. Waa... glad I can complete this BIG challenge. Praise The Lord!

45cm (L) X 30cm (H) X 10cm (W)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Letter Holder

I always want to make a letter holder myself. So, I came up with this one, stitching the pinky lamb and clouds on the felt and paste the tiny decorations bought from Dasio. Jie Xin remarks was "there is a pretty one!" Heehee... This letter holder can be treated as a door decor as well if you do not want to put letter into it. Coming up with more designs......

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Black, Blue, Red, Purple... which one you want?

New products are out. Leisure bags with four colours: 1) black with white flowers, 2) blue with sliver strips, 3) red with golden prints and finally 4) squarish purple red. These bags are fully lining with hard oval base. There is a rectangular pocket in each bag's main compartment that can take in tissue packet, handphone, EZ link .... etc. I started using one of these bags when I shopped for grocery. What I carried with me in it were umbrella (very auntie), a small bottle of water, tissue paper, purse of course keys and EZ link.... see... this bag can surely take up at least five items... So what are you waiting for? Order one now while stocks avaliable... Click on the picture to see more..

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Do Ri Me ...... do you like music? I do like music especially classic music. When I started this piece of work, I wondered how to draw nice and correct music notes?? Good thing was that my Jie Xin voluntarily drew a sample for me, so that I was able to complete the embroidery. Black and white are the basic colours for the piano keyboard. Jie Xin could tell immediately that I was sewing piano keyboard before the whole thing was done. This time, I finished the tote bag with cotten webbing handles and light interfacing for the whole tote. I named this tote "DO RI ME" because of the piano keyboard. Click on it to see more ......

Sunday, July 10, 2011

When Bunny found iits LOVE!!!!

Finally, Bunny found its LOVE!! Another two water bottle holders for two sweet sisters below seven. The elder one chose the fabric with pink heart-shape, while the young one chose the "Bunny" fabric. This time, both straps were made from the same cotten fabric instead of the black cotten strap. The black strap for my girl's holder was cut off from her previous spoiled water bottle. These holders' base were interfacing with hard material and also attached with stoppers.  Hope both sweety like them! :-) Click on the picture to see more......

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I love Yuwa

This Yuwa fabric is from Japan. I used it for a bible holder. Actually, the bible itself already has a hard cover with a zip. My sis-in-Christ wanted a holder for it, so I came up with a rectangular shape bag, fully interfaced with two handles at the opening. The textile of the Yuwa is so soft that I can't help touching again and again. It gives a cool and sweet feeling. The holder can also be used as little causal shopping bag. Click to see more!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Bunny, Bunny... Did you see my water bottle?

Yes! Of course, I found your water bottle that was in  "ME" the bottle holder. The water bottle holder was with a round base interfaced only and the top is with a stopper plus a thin black reused sling. Do not lost it again!!!

Another Sling Bag

This time, the sling bag, fully interfaced is specially made for my BAOBEI~Jie Xin. Surprisingly, she chose this blue fabric herself and required the laces to be added in front. I thought she might wanted the Bunny fabric but she chose this instead. Anyway,  her name was also embroidered on the flap. The flap was also secured with a magnet. The sling was with a plastic tri-slider, so that Jie Xin could adjust the length according to her comfortability. First time, I tried out the sling on the slider and also inserting the magnet. Quite fun I must say..... As usual, I inserted an exterior pocket in the main apartment. Click on it for more .....